Consent form for Shamanic Healing with EnglishMystic
( Kevin Paul Humphrey of Kevin Paul Humphrey Limited trading as EnglishMystic )

This is the Consent form for Shamanic Healing with Kevin Humphrey ( EnglishMystic )
( Kevin Paul Humphrey of Kevin Paul Humphrey Limited trading as EnglishMystic )
When you book a healing with Kevin Humphrey ( EnglishMystic ) you consent to the following;
Please do not book a session unless you agree.
Booking a session with, Kevin Paul Humphrey of Kevin Paul Humphrey Limited trading as EnglishMystic, assumes you have read and agreed to the Consent form noted below.
Consent form for Shamanic Healing with EnglishMystic
( Kevin Paul Humphrey of Kevin Paul Humphrey Limited trading as EnglishMystic )
The purpose of this consent form is to explain my intent as well as what you can expect of a healing session.
I’ll perform specific shamanic healing techniques with my energy field and when appropriate with my hands.
These techniques may balance, clear, and charge your energy field and system, release energetic blocks that lead to disease, and enhance your body’s natural healing potential.
At times I may touch your body, other times my hands will be working off of your body.
If at any moment during the session, you are uncomfortable, please inform me immediately.
Self-care is an integral part of your healing process.
During your session, we may discuss the major stresses in your life, belief systems, childhood, health history, habitual thoughts & patterns, and other issues that have an influence on your emotional, mental, and physical well-being.
Confidentiality is assured.*
Be aware that I may discuss, in confidence, our work with a supervisor or professional peer for the purpose of my continuing professional development and to improve my ability to serve you.
At all times your healing is your responsibility.
I am available to be your committed shamanic practitioner in this process.
I will not and cannot advise you to discontinue any medical treatment you may be receiving.
My work is intended to be in harmony with any other healing work that you undertake, including conventional Western medicine.
Please feel free to discuss our work with your doctor.
I am not a physician and therefore do not diagnose diseases or prescribe drugs.
I serve as a Shamanic Healing Practitioner.
Booking a healing session with me assumes you have read & understand the above before you attend the session(s).
Release form for Shamanic Healing Treatment with Kevin Humphrey ( EnglishMystic )
It is assumed that before the session you agree that:
I, {your name } understand that Kevin Humphrey ( EnglishMystic ) does not diagnose illness, disease, or mental disorder. Nor does he prescribe medical treatment or pharmaceuticals. It has been made clear that shamanic healing is not a substitute for medical examination or diagnosis and that it is recommended that I see a Doctor for any physical or mental ailment. I will/have stated all of my known medical conditions to Kevin Humphrey ( EnglishMystic ) regarding my physical, mental, and emotional health. I attest that I understand the nature of shamanic treatment and freely elect to receive shamanic healing treatments. I release Kevin Humphrey ( EnglishMystic ) from any and all claims of malpractice, non-disclosure, or lack of informed consent.
Signed in agreement {your name and signature } date { date }
Thank you.
Confidentiality is assured.*
I am registered with the Information Commissioner Office: Learn more at
Organisation name: Kevin Paul Humphrey Limited
( Kevin Paul Humphrey of Kevin Paul Humphrey Limited trading as EnglishMystic )
Reference: ZA532757
NOTE that each reference to EnglishMystic and / or Kevin Humphrey is in reference to ( Kevin Paul Humphrey of Kevin Paul Humphrey Limited trading as EnglishMystic )
The Importance of consent in shamanic healing
Consent is a fundamental aspect of shamanic healing, as it promotes the respect of personal boundaries and autonomy. Setting healthy boundaries is crucial in any form of healing, as it requires empathy and respect for the individual's needs and preferences. By asking for consent and respecting boundaries, we acknowledge the individual's agency and empower them to actively participate in their own healing process. In shamanic healing, respecting personal boundaries and autonomy is essential in building trust and safety in the healing process. It allows the individual to feel heard, seen, and understood, which creates a safe space for them to explore their inner world and work through their challenges.
In shamanic healing, the goal is to work out the root of an individual's problems and resolve them with the help of a shaman, who acts as a spiritual healer. The shamanic healing process requires a safe and trusting relationship between the shaman and the individual seeking healing. By respecting personal boundaries and autonomy, the shaman can establish a foundation of trust and safety, which is essential for the individual to feel comfortable enough to share their innermost thoughts and feelings. This empowers the individual to take an active role in their own healing process, leading to a more effective and transformative experience.
Shamanic healing is not just about physical recovery but also involves emotional, mental, and spiritual healing. Incorporating spiritual values and beliefs can play a significant role in building resilience and promoting individual and communal healing. Scholars have identified spiritual nursing care as essential to nursing practice, as it involves caring for the human spirit and promoting holistic healing. By respecting personal boundaries and autonomy, shamanic healing can meet the spiritual needs of the individual seeking healing. Justice is also an important aspect of the shamanic healing process, as it encourages accountability and follow-through, which maximizes the healing and recovery process .
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- Professional Association of Shamanic Healers, the Code of Conduct