A powerful system to call back your FULL sovereignty - Enjoy!
Mar 15, 2024
A powerful system to call back your FULL sovereignty - Enjoy!
Today I sat with the White Dragon who joined me very recently and started another level of cleansing of my energy, this past week has been intense and powerful and beautifully divine, if not painful and physically tiring.
I hear that MANY of us find it difficult to connect fully with the spiritual realms and the Dragon energy.
I heard TODAY from the Dragons that Humanity as a majority has been ‘amended’ so that our makeup is not our true original incarnation, our energy has been manipulated at source code level. We are not in Coherence with the reality around us, we have been severely limited in our vision, hearing, smell & taste, touch, understanding, mental acuity and perception at all levels, therefore we do not see where we really are!
Some years ago I was introduced to these Template Codes, that reinstate the original source code, and I visited the shop in Glastonbury associated with the codes and met the owner of the shop, his wife was instrumental in creating these codes.
I SHARE them now, with YOU, having used them all, as I see this WILL help you remove the cloak that stops you from seeing, and connecting fully with the truth, spirit and your Dragons - do ensure you follow the sequence 1 through 4 and see for yourself. All FREE to remember…. Step back into your truth…
It is vitally important to watch all the Ceremony videos in sequence and not rush them - as they are powerful!:
- The Template Ceremony Code 1 video “Ceremony of Original Innocence” at https://thetemplateglastonbury.com/ceremony-of-original-innocence/
- The Template Ceremony Code 2 video “Ceremony of Synthesis” at https://thetemplateglastonbury.com/template-code-2-ceremony-synthesis/
- The Template Ceremony Code 3 video “Sacred Breath” at https://thetemplateglastonbury.com/the-template-ceremony-code-3-video/
- The Template Ceremony Code 4 video “The Source Ceremony” at https://thetemplateglastonbury.com/category/videos/
This is a powerful Clear and Protect Ceremony - see on the page https://thetemplateglastonbury.com/category/videos/ ( scroll down to see the video )
Clear and Protect Ceremony Code
With each breath I connect
to the causal ocean of potential
that is the constant of life eternal.
With each breath I connect
to the elemental alchemy
of the natural world
as my living creed.
With each breath
I recalibrate
with my Soul’s covenant with light,
the vow between spirit and matter
that maintains my sentient sovereignty.
As a fractal aspect of primordial awareness
that has manifested my physical form
as my incarnate presence
birthed in order to calibrate
with the source code of light
I affirm my sentient sovereignty.
With each breath I liberate
my psycho-sensory identity
from all forms of external interference
that attempt to influence
my quintessential self.
With each breath
my elemental resonance
with the natural matrix of creation
frees my field of awareness
from the psychogenic feedback loop of history
that has been reinforced
through pre-ordained belief systems
and the multi-sensory ritualisation
of cultural entrainment.
I renounce, denounce
and expel from my field
any interference
from all forms
of external agendas and energetic influences
that interfere with my covenant
with the love and truth
encrypted in every ray of light
and my identity as a sovereign,
sensory instrument,
able to give and receive love in all that I do.
With each breath
I clear from my cellular memory
the energetic impact of traumatic disempowerment.
I reclaim my trust in myself.
I reclaim my trust in myself.
Never was there a time when I did not exist
Never will there come a time when I cease to be.
I am not only this
I am the universe.
Dragon Blessings