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ANCESTRAL CLEARING: 6th June 2023 - Ancestral Healing & Gifts

shamanic knowledge Jun 07, 2023

ANCESTRAL CLEARING: 6th June 2023 - Ancestral Healing & Gifts

You can access the slide show ( Click here ) or watch the video, all the energy is encoded in the video and you can play it as often as you like, especially the ritual part where we journey to your Wise Ancestors to ask for the healing of your lineage and download of your gifts.

And if you are interested in the Ancestral Healing Summit replays ( free ) you can access those, click here for Akashic Records and Shamanic Ancestral Healings.



I ask AI to tell us more about Ancestral Healing and it said this :) 

The importance of ancestral healing in improving overall health

 Ancestral healing is a powerful tool for improving overall health and well-being. 

One of the key principles of ancestral healing is the idea that historical trauma is not just an individual experience, but also a collective one [1]. 

Ancestral trauma can be passed down through generations, impacting individuals' mental, emotional, and physical health. Understanding and addressing these generational wounds is essential for healing and personal growth. 

Ancestral healing clears residual energy from past emotional responses that can be felt in the present moment, allowing individuals to create a more conscious life [2][3].

By recognizing the impact of ancestral trauma on one's health, individuals can begin to take steps towards healing and releasing these wounds.

Ancestral healing techniques aim to reveal and heal any inherited ancestral trauma, behaviors, and wounds [4]. 

By connecting with the strength and wisdom of one's ancestors, individuals can rewrite intergenerational patterns of family dynamics and release themselves from repeating certain negative patterns [5][2]. 

Ancestral healing also provides an opportunity to decolonize and dismantle the stigma around mental health [6]. 

Our dominant mental health care system often disconnects people from their lineage and fails to acknowledge the impacts of generational trauma and wisdom [7]. Ancestral healing offers a more holistic approach to healing and personal growth.

Connecting with ancestral wisdom can provide individuals with guidance, support, and healing [3][1]. 

Integrating difficult aspects of ancestral history can release stagnant energy and allow for greater wisdom and personal growth [5]. 

Ancestor work is an essential part of planetary healing, providing individual and collective healing that reconnects us to cycles of life [8]. 

Embarking on an experiential journey to heal ancestral legacies can lead to the discovery of untapped vitality and spiritual resources, quieting the wounds and transforming them into wisdom [9]. 

By recognizing and honoring the impact of our ancestors on our lives, we can take steps towards healing and personal growth, improving our overall health and well-being.



  1. 10 Life-Changing Benefits of Ancestral Healing. (n.d.) Retrieved June 7, 2023, from
  2. Ancestral Healing: 5 Ways It Helps Overcome Inherited .... (n.d.) Retrieved June 7, 2023, from
  3. What is ancestral healing?. (n.d.) Retrieved June 7, 2023, from
  4. What is Ancestral Lineage Healing?. (n.d.) Retrieved June 7, 2023, from
  5. Ancestral Healing: The Gifts and Wounds of Our Ancestors. (n.d.) Retrieved June 7, 2023, from
  6. Ancestral healing could be key to decolonizing therapy - Mic. (n.d.) Retrieved June 7, 2023, from
  7. Ancestral Healing. (n.d.) Retrieved June 7, 2023, from
  8. Healing Our Ancestors: The Importance of Ancestral .... (n.d.) Retrieved June 7, 2023, from
  9. Ancestral Healing. (n.d.) Retrieved June 7, 2023, from








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