Celtic Goddess Prayer
Apr 22, 2022
In honour of the Celtic Goddesses, and for protection, guidance, and for a better day and life, I offer up this prayer to a selection of the Celtic Goddesses.
Celtic Goddess Prayer
I call upon the directions of North, the South, the East, and the West,
I invoke the powers of Nature, from Wind, from Fire, from Earth, and from Water
To request that the Goddesses bless my being and honour me with their gifts;
Goddess Aine bring love & light into my Heart
Goddess Arianrhod weave a great cosmic fate for my life
Goddess Badb fill me with a warriors will
Goddess Brigid fill me with the passion of fire
Goddess Coventina provide me daily with sacred water
Goddess Danu grant me access to Knowledge
Goddess Epona protect my equine friends
Goddess Flidais accompany me in the forests
Goddess Henwen may I be fertile as the sow
Goddess Mabb introduce me to the Fairies
Goddess Morrigan give me the powers of shapeshifting
Goddess Morgan Le Fay show me the way to Avalon
Goddess Olwen shine the Sun upon me
Goddess Rhiannon may the light of the Moon guide me
Goddess Sheela na Gig grant me the protection of all crones
And So Mote It Be
*image of Goddess Brigid the art work of Lisa Iris ; http://www.lisairis.ca/