Dragon Thunder Talks - 3rd September 2023 with Carol Weakland and the Violet Flame Dragons
Subject: "The Magic of Working With Violet Flame Dragons"
In this incredible time of immense change we can sometimes feel beaten by life and all the lessons it has to offer. That is why it is so important to acknowledge the magical gifts that have been given to us by the Violet Flame and the Violet Flame Dragons. They are Masters at transmutation and clearing of anything that keeps you held to the three D Matrix. This includes everything in your current life, as well as past lives on earth and of Galactic Origin. Violet Flame Dragons can literally clear ancestral bloodlines back to the 1st person who exhibited that trait. They can also aid in Planetary work for the betterment of Earth, her inhabitants and all.
I will be speaking on these amazing Beings, along with St, Germaine and ArchAngel Zadkiel, who are keepers of the violet flame, and how the Violet Flame Dragons can assist you on your ascension journey.
Feel The Magic!
Carol Weakland
Best Selling and Award-Winning Author
Gatekeeper to Everything Magical