Shamanic Journey: “The Dismemberment Journey”
Dec 07, 2022
Shamanic Journey: “The Dismemberment Journey”
Rebuilding our energy
We all carry old energy that keeps us stuck in a loop, repeating the same issues over and over. Our old identities, old patterns, either inherited from family or as habits we’ve created and old hurts & injuries stay with us.
The dismemberment journey removes these old energies and ways of being. The intention is that your whole energy system is dismembered and reconstructed. The energy structure that you have after a dismemberment no longer carries the signature of the old issues, that were limiting you in some way.
What is Dismemberment?
The word dismemberment is a powerful one and it means what it says.
You go on a shamanic journey and meet with your spirit guides & animals, and one of them or the group dismember you fully.
Sometimes it will seem gentle, like water flowing over you and you dissolving like salt into a pool of water. Other times you will see yourself on fire and burning to ash or torn apart, limb by limb. The way the spirit world can dismember you is immensely creative.
Every Shamanic healer will go on a dismemberment journey and you’ll find each has a different story about what went occurred.
Why the spirit would do something as scary as take your body apart?
The reason for total dismemberment is to remove all sense of identity that might be tied up with the body.
To see our body dismembered, not only affects our energy, it also can change the way we see ourselves.
Once the body is gone, you will notice that you are still aware of yourself. This can lead you to understand that your awareness is not dependent on your body. That you exist without a body, you use a body to roam around the physical world, however, that is not needed to exist in the alternate realities that a shaman can move around in.
The spirit world will often put you back together after your dismemberment and sometimes they will not and you will return from the journey as pure energy.
Dismemberment Is Healing
A dismemberment journey is a powerful healing, and after the journey, you can feel very different, as you will have let go of everything attached to the body image.
Your entire point of view about the world can be shifted. This shift may happen sometime after the healing, or immediately.
The world can seem more colourful, more beautiful, and more vibrant & alive. Everything around you can feel filled with light, and sacredness and the feeling of freedom from all the old baggage that the body carried can be very liberating and you could find a whole new sense of freedom.
You can also feel unsettled or disturbed for a time because it was such a significant shift in your energy. It can be disturbing losing your body and all the feeling attached to it. The spirit world will only remove things that are no longer required by you, and those things are keeping you back from reaching your highest potential, you may still experience grief at something that feels like a loss.
The Dismemberment Journey
So if I haven’t scared you too much, and you would like to receive a dismemberment healing, how do you proceed?
You can book in here or on the links at top of the page.
Intention: To receive a dismemberment and “whatever else” they would like to give you. This allows the spirits to decide if they will re-member you or leave you as a pure spirit.
- We will go on a Shamanic journey to your power animals, guide and/or teachers that you trust, with the intention above.
- Whoever arrives to meet you is probably the spirit who will help you with the dismemberment.
- Ask the spirit you meet, for a dismemberment, and “whatever else they would like to give you”. In some cases, the dismemberment will begin immediately without you needing to voice your intention.
- Be with whatever occurs, the dismemberment can occur in many different ways, watch without emotion and let it be, and continue until the spirits have finished.
- Wait and see If the spirits put you back together (re-member you)
- If they start to re-member you, let that occur
- Return after you are re-membered. If not re-membered, at some point you will know that it is time to return.
- Return in whatever form you are in, either fully whole as you or as pure energy/light, when the return drum beat sounds.
- Upon returning, take a few moments to allow yourself to settle back into your body. Move your fingers and toes, stretch your arms and shake your legs. Take a few deep breathes and feel your breath moving in and out of your lungs.
- When you are ready sit up slowly and let yourself settle back into the body and this reality. You may need some time to settle after such a powerful process.
- If you can go outside, or look out the window and look outside. See if the world feels or looks different, is it more colourful and vibrant, do you feel a deeper connection to the world around you? Often after a dismemberment is good to connect to nature and walk in nature, stand on the earth and truly ground yourself back into reality and yourself.
When would you do a dismemberment journey?
You perform this journey any time, and as many times as you wish, there is no limit, for most people the journey is profound, and they don’t need to do it too often.
You may consider performing a dismemberment if you feel stuck in some way, or if you’ve been through a lot recently and want to clean the slate and start afresh.
You can journey to your spirits and ask them if they think it will help you.
- You can do this journey during a major life change where your identity is changing. Such as moving from parenthood, or into life after parenthood. Shifting into a time of retirement. Any time when you feel you are having trouble with a change in your identity.
- You may consider doing this journey if you are trying to shift to a higher vibration. If you feel you are on “one level” and want to move to “the next level.” This journey is a way to enable such shifts.
A more specific way of stating the intention for the above issues can be “please take away that which is keeping me from…”
The next part should be something that is involved with spiritual growth, or your evolution. It would be a good idea to do a journey on your intention, to confirm that you’re not asking for something you don’t mean to ask for.
Unconditional LOVE from your Spirit guides
It is important to note that dismemberment is a very loving act that is performed for you by the spirit world.
Even if it seems scary to think about seeing your body dismembered in some way, the spirit world does this for you because they wish to help you break through all that is blocking and not serving you.
You don’t have to feel scared while it is happening, because you know how much love is behind this healing.